Friday, April 23, 2010


Ernest Dimnet once said that, "his object of reflection is invariably the discovery of something satisfying to the mind which was not there at the beginning of the search." Capstone is the finally presentation a student can give to a body of peers in the 12 grade. It is his/her final show of accomplishment to the teachers and the student body that he/she worked with. I believe that Capstone is a vital step to finally prepare student to advance into a college atmosphere.
In doing my research paper, I found that bacteriophages can be use as a medical treatment. This was amazing to me because I originally thought that they could only cause infections in the human body. To use a virus to fight another organism without having to change it’s genetic around to much could revolutionize how we cure people. It made my mind spin with all the thought and possibility that could happen.

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